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Special vehicles. Complete lineup

Cable selfloader MSK Cable selfloader MSK Designed and suitable for mechanized loa­ding of truck bodies on itself, their trans­por­ta­ti­on and mechanized un­lo­a­ding, as well as for uploading the cargo by dumping. Set of pumping unit maintenance AROK-3938 Set of pumping unit maintenance AROK-3938 Use of AROK unit: repair and main­te­nan­ce of beam pumping unit at oil fields. Conduit above-ground maintenance unit ANRV (ANRV-1US) Conduit above-ground maintenance unit ANRV (ANRV-1US) Use of unit ANRV: emergency and pre­ven­ti­ve maintenance of the ground eq­uip­ment, fittings and pipelines. Electrical equipment service maintenance unit AOE-3949 Electrical equipment service maintenance unit AOE-3949 AOE unit is designed and suitable for com­ple­te service maintenance of the electrical equipment at the oil and gas facilities, as well as at any kind of na­ti­o­nal economic assets. Hoisting equipment maintenance unit 2AOP-3943 Hoisting equipment maintenance unit 2AOP-3943 2AOP-3943 unit is designed and su­it­ab­le for technical and running main­te­nan­ce of ho­is­ting units, which are used whi­le running major repairs of oil and gas wells. Dual-purpose vehicle GPA-3942 for transportation of group of workers Dual-purpose vehicle GPA-3942 for transportation of group of workers GPA unit is designed and suitable for trans­por­ta­ti­on of group of workers in amount of 8 persons. Repair car PRM-5820 Repair car PRM-5820 PRM unit is designed and suitable for main­te­nan­ce and repair of automotive engineering and equipment in the field. Mobile truck repair shop PARM-4784 Mobile truck repair shop PARM-4784 PARM-4784 unit is designed and sui­tab­le for maintenance of automotive en­gi­ne­ering in the field. Main pipeline maintenance unit (ARMT) Main pipeline maintenance unit (ARMT) GPA unit is designed and suitable for main pipeline maintenance. Imported motor vehicle with truck loader crane Imported motor vehicle with truck loader crane Designed and suitable for cargo trans­por­ta­ti­on, as well as for handling and in­stal­la­ti­on works. Poles transportation unit with loader crane APSH-54071 Poles transportation unit with loader crane APSH-54071 APSH unit is designed and suitable for hand­ling, transportation of long oil-field equip­ment, steel and plastic tubing, and power transmission line supports by va­ri­o­us types of roads. Special vehicle PS-300 with loader crane Special vehicle PS-300 with loader crane PS-300 unit is designed and suitable for hand­ling, transportation of cargo and eq­uip­ment, mounting / dismounting of the equip­ment. Field selfloader PS-1,6 Field selfloader PS-1,6 Field selfloader unit is designed and suitable for transportation of beam pum­ping units, and various equipment and fittings for wire line operations. Repairing and welding unit ARS Repairing and welding unit ARS ARS unit is designed and suitable for per­for­man­ce of repairing and welding works at oil and gas pipe-lines. Well-swabbing unit WSU Well-swabbing unit WSU Purpose: oil producing from marginal wells through flow string by swabs, well production gathering and its delivery to the gathering station, produced gas neu­tra­li­za­tion, per­for­man­ce of main­te­nan­ce by swabbing. Platform cars Platform cars Platform cars serve to transport various car­gos, as well as in europlatforms. Maintenance unit for maintenance and service of municipal heat supply and water supply systems KoBRA. Maintenance unit for maintenance and service of municipal heat supply and water supply systems KoBRA. Use: performance of emergency ope­ra­ti­ons in public services and oil and gas in­dust­ry. Service and supply unit RTK-100 model 3945 Service and supply unit RTK-100 model 3945 RTK-100 is designed and suitable for main­te­nan­ce and emergency operations in public services and oil and gas in­dust­ry. Special motor van (SVP-6) Special motor van (SVP-6) SVP-6 serves to transport explosives, elec­tric caps to the place of explosive works. Vehicle carrier  —  3950 Vehicle carrier — 3950 Use: transportation (evacuation) of motor vehicles. Handling operations are per­for­med by loader crane. Process motor vehicle with loader crane Process motor vehicle with loader crane Process motor vehicle with truck lo­a­der crane serves to load and unload, to mount and dismount the equipment and to transport the cargo. Roadtrain-pipe truck Road train for long cargo transportation
(Roadtrain-pipe truck)
Transportation of long cargos, including pi­pes and lengths.
Short log truck with hydraulic manipulator Short log truck with hydraulic manipulator Short log truck with hydraulic ma­ni­pu­la­tor is designed and suitable for loading, unloading and transportation of logs till 6 meters by all roads.

Special vehicles Mobile units Modular buildings Modular complexes
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